Real Estate and Everything Else

Don’t verbally assault my ear.

 I knew better.
I shouldn’t have answered my phone.
I get phone calls all the time as do most of you I’m sure. Phone calls that I didn’t ask to receive or enjoy receiving.
In real estate, I get phone calls for all kinds of things.
People to help with SEO.
Website development.
Leads from top real estate portals.
Banner ads.
“Custom” magazines created for me.
The best is when I know they have pulled my info off of my brokerage’s website then name drop another agent that “signed up” thinking that will help with their pitch.
I hate that.
I despise telemarketers. I am a firm believer that your business or service must suck if you have to call random strangers and try and generate some sort of relationship to make a sale. It is one of the main reasons why I stopped doing it in my business over two years ago. Because I know that I don’t suck.
Not long ago I received one such call from a marketing company. The gentlemen on the other side was friendly and asking some thought-provoking questions. Not extremely thought-provoking because I can’t remember what they were. But just interesting enough to get my attention to start to sell me. The first sell was a phone appointment for a few days later.
When we hung up I knew I shouldn’t have done it.
The day of my appointment any call on my phone made me jump. Ugh. I wasn’t looking forward to our appointment time.
Then it happened. My phone rang. I wasn’t going to answer it but I was a little curious to find out what this business had to offer. So I picked up.
And a 2-hour sales pitch started.
I should have just hung up. I wanted to. But he just kept talking and keeping me engaged.
Then the ask. “Are you interested?”
Well, what about X?
We don’t do X. You can’t do X. It doesn’t work like that.
Well, to be honest, I really am interested in doing X.
If we lowered the price to special rock bottom price would you be interested?
Would I be able to do X?
No, you wouldn’t be able to do X.
Well if I can’t do X. I’m not interested.
What if I get the price lower and remove the D, G, and B since you didn’t want to do those?
Still not interested. I want to do X. If you won’t help me then we won’t be working together.
Well, if you knew you were going to say no, why did you waste my time?
Waste your time? I didn’t know what your company did until we talked. I wasn’t wasting your time I was learning what you offered.
The conversation ended shortly after and he said he would call back. He didn’t but someone else from that company did.
They got an ear full.
I would be surprised that the third call for future training purposes.
They called a fourth time even after I asked them to remove from their list.
Just because I listened to find out about what your company offers doesn’t mean I’m going to hire you. If you aren’t willing to provide me with what I am looking for I will go somewhere else. Don’t verbal assault my ear.
Don’t interrupt my day trying to sell me on my phone.
Do what Amazon does. Targeted Instagram ads. I fall for that all the time. Now excuse me, I need to go use my new BaKblade.
Just kidding. I didn’t buy one of those…

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