Real Estate and Everything Else

2-3 Weeks

I should have asked more questions to adequately prepare myself. The last time I had tubes put into my ears I was younger, 8 or 9 maybe, I don’t remember how old I was. I only have a few memories involving my ear adventures growing up, including the 5 times I had tubes put in my ears.

I remember getting my hearing tested and having to push the button when I heard the beep.

I remember going to the ENT and have all sorts of instruments put into my ears that were very uncomfortable.

I remember watching Dark Crystal at the hospital.

I remember going through the McDonald’s drive-thru and getting a Shamrock Shake which I’m pretty sure I threw up shortly after.

My ears suck. However, I still like a Shamrock Shake every year or so.

Recently we thought it would be a good idea to get my hearing tested. One test lead to another and we found out there was something else going on and surgery would be required. Yesterday I had my sixth round of tubes placed into my ears as well as a cartilage graft to the bones in my left ear. To be honest, I was more afraid of being poked for the pre-surgery tests and my IV than the surgery itself.

A friend of ours is a very gifted anesthesiologist and I was able to have him put me to sleep for the surgery. I don’t think I’ll have a stranger mandate. Ever. Everything went well. No vomit post general anesthesia. Something I am very grateful for.

I don’t remember what recovery was like with tubes as a child. Ruby had tubes placed a few months ago and she did amazingly well. She seemed to be back to normal fairly quickly. So I was thinking it would be very similar for me.

Yesterday in my haze of medication Tavia passed along to me that I wouldn’t be able to lift anything heavier than 30 lbs for the next three weeks. Crap. I have just finished up my 30-day running challenge and was looking forward to cutting back on the running frequency and adding in weight training. All part of #makemybodygreatagain

Well I can still run. Right? Right? She didn’t know the answer to that.

Today I left a message with the nurse about my running question.

“I spoke with the doctor and he said that you probably shouldn’t run for at least two weeks.”

I felt like I was punched in the gut. I have worked hard these last few months to make running part of my life again. Now I am told I can’t do it!?


There is part of #makemybodygreatagain that I have forgotten about for a few weeks. Almost 2 months. Something that is far more important than the running and the weights. I’ve haven’t been tracking my food as I did before our trip to Idaho. When I was tracking I had lost a little bit of weight. So, for now, I’ll just have to focus on what I can focus on. The part that should always be the most important part. What I eat. I seemed to have forgotten.

It is just 2-3 weeks.

Then I can get back into it.

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