Real Estate and Everything Else

March 2019 Newsletter

I am not a morning person. I never have been. Don’t get me wrong. I love being awake early in the morning. I just hate the physical act of getting out of bed. It is one of the more difficult things I do on a daily basis.

Yes, I’m being overly dramatic. But it is hard.

Most of the time I don’t have a choice in the matter. My kids start to pile into our queen-sized bed at 6:30 every morning. My kids are currently mini people sized and are getting bigger. Every day we play a game called, “Who’s foot is in my face?” I assure you it is never my foot in my own face. I’m not that flexible. Sometimes I’ll even end up with Audrey or Afton riding on my back like I’m Seabiscuit. Not the most enjoyable way to wake up.

At some point, either due to their age or their size the morning dog pile won’t happen. I really should just enjoy one of life’s simple pleasures.

So why on earth have I made the choice to wake up at 4:45?

I’ve tried waking up early before. It was a challenge each of those times. The biggest difference is that make myself go to bed earlier. When you go to bed at 9:00 it makes 4:45 a little more bearable. Why 4:45? I want to wake up on my terms and I want to get to the gym without it eating into another part of my day. Plus I found a friend willing to join me. He picks me up around 5:00. There have even been days that he doesn’t come and I still go! AMAZING!

The last few months of 2018 I knew I needed to get out of a rut that I was in. This is one of those steps. As well as no longer having my phone next to my bed. I now use an alarm clock. I’ve gone old school. I also made my workout clothes easier to access and I even lay them out the night before. I want to take out any excuses I can.

2019 is going to be the quest for me to find my routine that will help me win my day, every day. It is about making small changes, baby steps, that I can do every day. Over the course of the year, I hope they compound to bring some awesome change.

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