Real Estate and Everything Else
Are you on drugs?

Are you on drugs?

In May my brother Brett graduated from medical school, he was one of what seemed like a few hundred in his class. But he is my brother so obviously, that makes him my favorite and of course the best.
This is the third graduation of his that I have been to. I was nine or ten when he graduated from Ashland High School. I was there for that. I don’t remember the ceremony itself, other than one of the valedictorians reading Dr. Seuess “Oh, The Places You’ll Go.” I do remember the photo that we took in the front room of our Mowry Dr. house, he dressed in his graduation gown, hugging me with one arm while lifting me in the air. He was my favorite graduate then too.
I always looked up to my brother. He had an awesome car, a candy apple read Geo Storm with the biggest speakers in a car I had ever seen. That thing would thump Chicago’s Greatest Hits like nothing else in Ashland, Ohio.
I loved spending time with him and his friends. Playing Uno, watching movies, fishing, making fimo clay beads for hemp necklaces, and destroying Justin in NFL Gameday on the PlayStation. I probably didn’t beat Justin but it was still fun.
When I was in high school I saw him choose to serve a two-year mission for our church in California. I loved reading his letters. I loved hearing about his missionary adventures and seeing the pictures. I’m pretty sure he was the best missionary in California because after all, he is my brother. His example is one of the main reasons I would accept a mission call to England a few years later.
After his mission and before he left for the University of Utah I was able to work with him at The Lyn-Way Restaurant. When I first started working our coworkers didn’t think we were related. That changed once I started to sweat. Then they all knew. If you know the Mathers family you know we all sweat. A lot. It was awesome working with Brett. He could manage a grill better than anyone I saw. It wasn’t a huge surprise when he made the choice to go to culinary school.
I don’t know how he did it. Being married, having two really young girls, working and going to culinary school. Externships away from his family and hours and hours of working on his feet. I was in my early twenties when he graduated from the Culinary Institute of America. He didn’t want to walk but I’m glad he did. He worked hard and deserved the recognition. I’m glad I made the trip with my parents to support him.
Brett and his family were living in Utah when he decided to go back to school and make his way into medicine either as a nurse or a doctor. Again I watched as he worked and worked and study away. A few more years of school and bumps in the round and he ended up in Arizona where he would graduate Dr. Brett Mathers, DO. My brother again didn’t want to walk but I’m glad he did and I didn’t want to miss it. He worked hard! His graduation was the first time in years my parents and siblings were together.
Brett has a lot of talents and abilities. One of my favorites is his quick wit. As the story goes my brother was a bit of a clown in high school. During class one day he was being a bit of distraction and was asked to go to the hall by the teacher who promptly asked. “Are you on drugs”
His response was something to the effect of, “Yeah, I’m on Tylenol.”
Brett, we are all proud of you. Keep working hard to be the best Doctor you can be. We know you can, because you are the husband of a thoughtful wife, a father of two amazing daughters, a son of great parents, a friend to everyone, a hardworking coworker, a dedicated student, and most importantly my brother. And Jennifer and Brittany‘s brother too. I guess they can claim you as well.

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