November 2017 “It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” – Warren Buffett Dear Over the last few months, I have been reading Harry Potter to Ruby in the evening when the other kids go to bed. When
November 2017 “It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” – Warren Buffett Dear Over the last few months, I have been reading Harry Potter to Ruby in the evening when the other kids go to bed. When
I really do not like agents that use deceptive advertising as a way to get business. This gimmick is one of the worst. Right up there with the Guaranteed Sale Program* or “I have a buyer for you home” that agents will use to get
Life lessons learned from a four-year-old. How Audrey taught me to notice the details and how it is helping me strengthen relationships. Dear I wanted to share with you a lesson that my daughter Audrey recently taught me during an exchange we had. “Daddy look
Being a Realtor one of the perks I receive with my yearly dues is a subscription to the Realtor Magazine. As a nurse practitioner my wife receives similar trade publications in her field. Many of you do as well. Just a few days ago the